Who wants to read about random things about me right?!
I’ve decided that random as it might be, it could be super fun and entertaining, and if nothing else, it will help you to get to know me a little more beyond my fitness and family and fun posts.
Stay tuned…..In coming months I will share WHY I chose Venus Fitness and Lifestyle. I think you might be surprised.
Hopefully this sparks some great comments from you…Perhaps you might even feel inclined to share some facts about yourself in the comments.
Lets get to know each other!
one: I will not be defined by one musical Style
I am comfortably Rock ‘n’ Roll with a Motown soul. My Ipod includes a literal musical potpourri. Anything Motown, to a little more Rock ‘n’ Roll with the Rolling Stones, and Led Zeppelin. I’ll switch gears and surprise you with some Etta James, and Michael Bublé. More current favorites include, Coldplay, Mayer Hawthorne, Raphael Saadiq, and T-Swift. You’ll even find some Keith Urban, Tim Mcgraw , and Garth Brooks. If that’s not your groove you can hit next only to find a little Dr. Dre, and Outkast.
It should also be said- I have have an UNCONTROLLABLE impulse to participate in my own Carpool Karaoke, when the song, “Hot Child in the City” by Nick Gilder plays.
two: Bowler of the Year

From the age of 11 to 16 I participated in a youth bowling league, as you can see I was clearly in my prime. A proud past winner of both, “Bowler of the Year,” and “Most Improved Bowler.” Perhaps not the most popular choice for the awkward adolescent years, however in retrospect it taught me that being different is OK. Six years of bowling also left me with a mean looking bowlers follow-through. 😉
three: Gazelle in Heels
As a personal trainer and fitness enthusiast I cringe at sharing this with you- I can literally run in high-heels. This skill comes from a few years of “modeling” with lots of runway practice in 8 inch heels. Thank you John Casablanca and Top Model agencies: if for nothing else, my ability to walk in heels without looking like a new born calf.
FOUR: Threw a FIRST Pitch
Six years ago I was one of the Vancouver Canadians “2012 Girls of Summer, ” and had the honor of throwing the first pitch at the July 2, 2012 baseball game.
Five: First Crush
When all the girls were loosing their mind over Kirk Cameron, Corey Feldman, and John or Jordan Knight. At eight years old I was in love with Patrick Swayze. Looking back I find the entire wall of posters, including a life size one amusing and slightly disturbing. Not enough to change how I feel about Dirty Dancing, or lessen my weak in the knees feeling for those tight black pants and brooding bad boy good looks…I mean come on right?!
six: Biggest musical influences
Besides the obvious influence of my parents, particularly my Dad who had exceptionally good musical taste. There have been several friends and boyfriends that have had their influence on my eclectic taste and knowledge. However one of the biggest influence by far would have to be the California Raisins.
For those of you that don’t know what I am talking about, The California Raisins were a 1987 claymation television commercial turn merchandising sensation. Several California Raisins music albums were released, featuring classic Motown and rock standards. I was the proud owner of two of their cassette tapes. Combine this with the Dirty Dancing Soundtrack and there you have my two biggest musical influences, and the birth of my Mowtown soul.
seven: I have the best Cat
Proud owner of a female ginger tabby with unique personality, appropriately named Star. In retaliation to my fiancé past attempts to move her water dish, she has helped herself to his glass of water…..with her paw. Star LOVES eating, but isn’t a big fan of moving. She has also been known to play the occasional game of dress up.
eight: Third times charm
I failed my drivers twice. The first time I did so in spectacular fashion. While driving into the licensing office parking lot, excitement mounting, I knew I had passed. I pulled into the parking stall and stopped the car, the evaluater asked me to pull forward a little bit. In my excitement I confused the gas for the break, and hit the building- automatic fail, oh and TOTAL MORTIFICATION.
nine: Caught a Cherry in my Mouth
2011 brought a company trip to Las Vegas and with it an opportunity to participate in a contest at Carnival Court. Said contest concluded with me catching a whip cream covered cherry in my mouth, winning free shots for everyone in the bar. After only arriving in Vegas two hours prior it was a pretty good start to a Vegas weekend. 😉
ten: My words to live by
“You can’t always get want you want but if you try, sometimes you might find you get what you need.” – The Rolling Stones.
OK your turn, tell me a little about yourself!
