Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Before you bust out the Barry White and Champagne….why not get your sweat on first?
Whether you and your sweetie are planning a romantic night on the town or looking to spend a quiet night at home. Get those workout induced hormones flowing with this Valentine’s Day partner workout.
Working out together is not just good for your physical health, it’s also good for the health of your relationship! Studies have found that after participating in challenging physical activity, couples report feeling happier and more connected in their relationship. Furthermore, you’re more likely to reach your goals if your partner in life is on board with you. If you’ve been skipping your workouts in favor of spending time with your Sweetheart, than why not combine the two and hit the gym together?
In all honesty….the sexy fitness workout that I envisioned for this post is much different than the reality of what this workout looked like for us.
Maybe you will have a glamours and sexy Valentines workout I envisioned ….or like us maybe it will be all about Fitness Family, and Fun!
4 workout moves you can do with your Valentine
You will need a Bosu ball and a Mat for this workout.
1. Squat and push up
Each of you performs 10 repetitions before switching positions. Aim for three sets of each half of the exercise.
Start in a plank position, your hands grasping the edges of a BOSU ball with the flat side facing up. Your partner will squat down between your legs.
When your partner is in the squat position, lift one leg off the ground so your partner can grasp your ankle before placing it across her same-side shoulder. Once your foot is secure, tighten your core to maintain a straight line from heels to head, and lift the opposite leg off the ground so your partner can secure it over her other shoulder.
Your partner now stands up, lifting your legs toward the ceiling as she does. Maintain a straight, tight core. This is the starting position.
As a unit, your partner squats, pressing her hips back and keeping her weight in her heels as she lowers her hips toward the ground. You simultaneously bend your elbows, lowering your chest toward the BOSU to perform a pushup.
When both of you reach the bottom of your respective squat or pushup, reverse the movement, and return to the starting position.
2. Toasted Split Squats
The partner performing the split squats is in charge, performing six to 12 repetitions per leg before switching roles.
Your partner starts in a wall squat, her back pressed against a wall, knees and hips bent at a 90-degree angle, feet shoulder-width apart.
Stand perpendicular to your partner on one side of her body, facing away. Lift one leg, bending your knee and raising your foot behind you to place your ankle across your partner’s same-side thigh.
From this position, keep your weight in your supporting heel, and squat down, bending both knees as you reach toward the ground. At the bottom of the squat, press through your supporting foot, and spring into the air, extending your body as you jump. Land softly, knee, ankle and hip slightly bent.
Continue immediately to the next split squat. When you perform six to 12 reps on one leg, move to the other side of your partner’s body and switch legs, performing the same number of reps to the opposite side. When you’ve finished your reps, switch roles with your partner.
3. plank and Row
Start in a plank on the floor with your palms under your shoulders, feet extended, forming a straight line from heels to head. You’ll maintain this position for the entire movement.
Your partner will stand to the right side of your body with a dumbbell in his right hand and his toes pointing forward toward your shoulders.
He’ll bend forward from the hips, placing his left hand just under your right shoulder for support. From this position, he’ll lunge his left leg backward to more effectively use your body as a weight bench. The dumbbell is hanging under his right shoulder, right arm extended fully.
As you maintain your plank, your partner uses you for support as he rows the dumbbell toward his chest by bending his right elbow and squeezing his shoulder blades together.
He reverses the movement and extends his right arm before performing another row.
After performing 10 to 15 repetitions on one side, your partner will switch to your other side to row with his opposite arm. After completing the same number of repetitions to each side, you’ll switch roles.
4. Twisted Wall Sit and Push ups
After your partner lowers into a wall squat, holding a medicine ball in his hands, line up perpendicular to your partner’s thighs, facing away, and set up in a high plank position with your hands gripping the edges of a BOSU ball under your chest (flat side up). Place your shins across your partner’s thighs, and tighten your core so your body forms a straight line from heels to head.
When you’re ready, bend your elbows, and lower your chest toward the BOSU ball, keeping your core tight. Press yourself back to the starting position, and continue, performing 10 to 15 pushups.
As you’re performing your pushups, your partner maintains a wall squat but continuously rotates his torso from the right to the left and back again while touching the medicine ball to the wall as he twists.
When you finish your set of pushups, switch positions with your partner.
When you’re done this workout, you can team up for a steamy shower. 😉 Then you’ll be ready to continue the love and romance with your Valentines plans whatever they might be.
Like us, you might be lucky enough to squeeze in one set in while the kids are running around screaming and playing with all your equipment. I like to call this real life. 😉
Do you workout with your partner? What are your favorite moves?