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FMS- a Movement Approach

Over the last couple of months, I have been hunkered down and focused, and I am happy to announce I completed my Level 1 & 2 FMS Certification.

Since announcing this on social media many of you have been asking what the Functional Movement Screen is, and why I decided to pursue this certification.  All great questions with answers that I thought would make for an enlightening blog post.

Read on to learn about why I am tired of chasing the unicorn that is fitness perfection, and how FMS showed me a different way.

What is FMS?

FMS is an international certification that uses a screening tool to evaluate movement patterns and observe mobility and stability deficits.  The purpose is to identify any limitations or asymmetries that may increase the risk of injury. Screening helps ensure that the participant has a solid movement foundation before taking on more complex exercises or demanding activities.

One of the biggest advantages of using the FMS is it helps to make better decisions. It helps to identify movement patterns that are ready to be developed, and patterns that may require a more foundational or corrective approach.   Which  ultimately creates more purposeful programing.

Why did I decide to get FMS Certified?

After 20+ years in the fitness industry I am tired of the unicorn that is fitness perfection.   I came into fitness to overcome deep psychological trauma.  For me the whole experience was organic and empowering and my primary motivation was managing my mental health.

Over the last decade the fitness industry has leveraged social media to allow people to make a living, but the overwhelming message out there continues to be an unhealthy one.  Fitness is meant to be a personal and communal pursuit of improvement. Social media has turned it into chasing a unicorn that is all filters, camera angles, and extremes.

My current values align much closer to the FMS training philosophies.  First Move Well. Then Move Often.  I love running and being active and I use physical activity as a tool to manage my mental health. That said, it is important for to me to be ABLE to move  well- to continue to move often. Which makes more sense than trying to meet some unrealistic ideal or hurting myself chasing a PB/activity that my body isn’t ready for.

Expect to see more here on this page as I incorporate the FMS into my training and content. I am looking forward to helping people to #movewellmoveoften

If you have any questions or comments, drop them below,  I would love to hear from you.

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