This Thanksgiving we have even more to be celebrating! Venus Fitness & Lifestyle, is increasing plus one!
I spend most of my twenties single trying to come to terms with my past while securing my present. I thought I would never find love, and always said I would never date someone shorter than me……Then in 2011 I met an amazing man 3 inches shorter than me, who change my life.
Adrian is a faithful and devoted father and partner. We challenge and support each other daily, we are each other’s best friend, and biggest fan. I couldn’t imagine my life without him, he is the love of my life. I am especially fortunate because when I fell in love with Adrian he came with two absolutely amazing children that welcomed me into their lives with open arms. These two beautiful children have made my life more fulfilling than I ever imagined possible. Being a part of their lives is an honor and privilege that I am thankful for each and every day.
The Straight goods
When I met my “Prince Charming”, like all Princes he wanted me to be happy and have everything my heart desired. So naturally, after several months he tried breaking up with me. Why you ask?? Well as it turns out my “Prince Charming” had gotten a vasectomy after his second child, and he didn’t want to rob me of the experience of being a mother. Obviously we didn’t break up. Let’s face it girls, a carpenter that can build you a custom closet, cook gourmet dinners, and love you devotedly is hard to come by. 😉 All joking aside, we had a serious conversation; kids were not something I was sure I wanted, and I felt that if I had really wanted them I would have made it more of a priority in my

Disneyland 2015
life, not to mention that I am TERRIFIED of babies. However at the same time the deep feelings I had developed for Adrian brought a whole wave of new emotions. The thought of having his child was appealing. After lots of thought and discussion it was decided that it just wasn’t in the cards for me. “If it was meant to be it would be.” From there I made peace with the fact that I would never have a child. Having two beautiful and amazing step-kids, made this a non-issue.
The reality
Fast forward 4.5 years we are still in love, and our family is stronger than ever. We have started to look towards the future with optimism, and financial confidence. Vacation plans started to come to life, and wedding talks were getting more serious. Then everything changed………. Did you know that according to the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists there is 1 in 2000 chance of a pregnancy resulting from vasectomy failure??? That’s a 0.05% chance. This figure is based on men having been given clearance after submitting samples for analysis in order to rule out early failures and recanalization. One study puts the rate at 1 in 4000 (0.025%).

Ultrasound- 12 weeks
As I said 4 years ago, if it was meant to be it would be, and as it turns out, it was meant to be. I am 36 years old, and 17.5 weeks pregnant, our route has changed, and our future is unclear. What I know for certain is this that this little person beat some incredible odds to be here with us, and we are all looking forward to welcoming him/her into our lives and our hearts. Our family will grow not just in size but in love.