I’m going to be honest I have been struggling with content …what to write about?? It seems EVERYBODY is offering free fitness tips and workouts. I have seen tons of great content on home schooling and FREE online resources. There is even vast amount covering mental health. How can I add value? Turns out I have been asking the wrong question………The right question is, “What can we do to support each other right now?” Here are a few ways we can support each other, and ourselves through this uncertain time.
We are all experiencing varying levels of fear, anxiety, and a shift in our daily lives and routines, we could also look at this an opportunity to support each other in our shared experiences. Instead of thinking of it as practicing social distancing, let’s call it physical distancing. Let’s all be extra engaged when we can, give extra likes or comment on social media. Support local business online, tell someone you care about them. Below are a a few other ways we can support ourselves and others during hardship.
Acknowledge and feel your feelings:
Don’t judge or rationalize your feelings away, accept them as part of your journey
Talk about it:
Talking it out not only reduces anxieties it helps you to better understand your own fears and can also provide an outside perspective you might need.
Prioritize self-care
Self-care is necessary to survive tough situations; you are no help to anyone else if you are incapacitated. Get outside , get some fresh air, and get moving, it will make you feel better.

Practice acceptance:
Let go of what you cannot control. Make a list of everything you cannot control, then crumple it up and throw it in the trash. Worrying about all the things you cannot control takes up mental and emotional energy for the things you can control.
Ask for help/ Offer help:
Seeking and offering support from and for loves ones strengthens relationships. Families and friends who can be there for each other, protect and strengthen the relationship that in times of stress may be neglected. There are many kinds of support. Support may come in the form of family, friends, co-workers, and it looks different for everyone.
Shift your focus:
Take time to think of the things you are grateful. If this feels hard, I suggest taking a few moments of gratitude for all the health care workers that are working against this pandemic.
I am following the recommended health and safety protocols, working from home but staying connect through phone and video calls. These are unprecedented times and the sudden change in the past few weeks have been challenging for everyone.
We have been called to action, to step up and do our part to flatten the curve; this might take a while. So just a reminder so we can all keep it up: Now is the time to stay safe at home. Now is the time to set up your online community, not to visit another community, seeking out an adventure and possibly putting people there at risk.
…… Every action makes a difference to the collective.
Stay safe and stay healthy!