I’m thrilled to be in the Top 30. But things don’t end there. Vancouver Mom hosts a DAILY online voting campaign to finalize the Top Blog each year.
For the next 3 weeks, every day you have the opportunity to vote for myself (Shannon Sawicki, Venus Fitness) as well as the other amazing #MomBoss bloggers.
It feels odd to ask you to vote for my little corner of the internet as ‘Top Vancouver Mom Blog’ for 2018.
This is an opportunity to connect with some amazing women, learn new skills, and ultimately get more eyes on my blog. More exposure means an increased ability to help spread the word about local Fitness, Family, Fun activities. With increased content opportunities, and giveaways that help support local businesses and events.
vote now for your favorite Vancouver mom blog HERE

What is this whole blogging thing, and how did I get started?
I started this blogging Journey over 2 years ago, and it’s been an adventure. My inspiration and initial support came from the talented and beautiful @Berrynourised_rd. Carolyn assured me that I could do it, and it was super straightforward. It should be noted that she said something similar about running half marathons too. 😉

To be honest it started out more as a way for me to maintain my own website. The blog itself was secondary to my personal training, and fitness services. It wasn’t until our Little Sweets surprised us that things changed. The demands of a new baby made it harder to juggle my fitness lifestyle.
With maternity leave coming to an end- the idea of going back to work full time while maintaining my personal training and teaching schedule on evenings and weekends was ridiculous…something had to give. Which got me to thinking, the fitness industry is changing so much: People don’t need to hire trainers when they can check out the latest hashtag on social media, or download a free workout app.

Around this time I had one of those perfectly timed conversation with a past Top 30 Mom Blogger @bitsyideas, Roya confirmed that inkling feeling I was having. I decided to started taking blogging more seriously. Why not share my knowledge, experience, and struggles, surrounding fitness, family and fun- from the comforts of home, on my family’s scheduled??? And so, like so many other incredibly talented women I became a #momblogger…..which is unbelievably ironic because 3 years ago I was terrified to hold babies.
Becoming a Step-Mother changed Me-
Having a baby turned my world upside down. I have spent the last five years trying to find my path, and my confidence in my “New Mom Shannon” life. It has not been easy, but it’s has been a dream come true, and it has taught me that miracles do happen.
Thank you:
To my family that inspires me everyday, I love you all to the moon and back! To my friends for your support and encouragement. My following community who have supported me along the way. My amazing employer The Great Little Box Company, and all my brilliant and dynamic coworkers, thanks for inspiring me with your “Greatness.” Finally thank you to my local #StevestonMomSquad, you ladies help me keep my sanity. 😉
Thanks for stopping by my little piece of the internet, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Don’t Forget to vote for me here: VancouverMom.ca
