With 8 months of postnatal exercise and recovery behind me here is my list of Do’s and Don’ts .If you have something to add, or a different experience I would love to hear from you.
DO: Wait to get the all-clear from your GP at your postnatal check to re-start your exercise routine – approx. 6-8 weeks after the birth (10 weeks after a C- section.)
DON’T: Think that because baby is no longer a passenger you can jump straight back to your previous exercise regime. Respect your body, give it time to heal and recover from the amazing nine month journey.
DO: Remember it takes 12 months not 12 weeks to get back into shape. Every woman’s recovery is different and some may not be ready to exercise until six to eight months after birth. It’s never too late to get back in shape!
DON’T: pay attention to celebrity weight loss stories. It took nine months to make your baby so give yourself time. Give yourself a break and try not to put too much pressure on yourself to lose the weight too quickly.
DO: Assess your energy levels daily. After ten weeks of motherhood your focus should be on having an enjoyable workout and one that puts you back in tune with your body. this is also a great opportunity to include your little one in your workout routine.

DON’T: Overdo it. If your baby has been up all night and you’ve had no sleep, put your exercise session on hold for that day. Have a nap or choose a lighter activity instead. You’re more vulnerable to injury when you’re tired.
DO: Get your feet properly measured. It’s not uncommon to increase your shoe size during pregnancy, so it could be time to splash out and treat yourself to some new runners.
DON’T: Make do with your old runners if they don’t provide sufficient support. With the effects of relaxin still present, ankle stability is a must.
DO: Wear a good sports bra, or double up if you need to. Your breasts will need support during activities and an appropriately fitted bra can help reduce the risks of stretch marks and discomfort. Some arm movements may promote milk flow so pop in some breast pads and remember to feed or pump before exercise.
DON’T: Wear a badly fitted bra. One that is too tight may cause mastitis, whilst one that does not offer enough support may contribute towards bad upper body posture, even back pain.
DO: Drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise, especially if you’re breastfeeding. I made this mistake a few times and ended up with terrible headaches and scary dizzy spells.

DON’T: Restrict liquid intake because of the fear of leakage. If you have been experiencing any wetness it is a warning that you must do more pelvic floor exercises. Or better yet seek the expertise of a pelvic floor specialist.
DO: Exercise your pelvic floor regularly. These muscles have two different roles so must be exercised in two ways. For the supportive role and to keep your insides on the inside, draw up the muscles inside you, as if stopping yourself having to pee, and hold for a few seconds before lowering slowly. Gradually increase the length of hold. Do not practice this exercise when you’re actually going to the bathroom.
DON’T: Run & jump for at least six months! Your ligaments are still softened and stretched from relaxin. This means that the framework supporting your ankles, knees, hips, pelvis and spine could buckle and bow under impact. Your pelvic floor has also been weakened by the weight of your baby and when you run or jump increased pressure is exerted on these muscles which may cause stress incontinence.
DO: Sweat! To burn off your baby fat you need to get breathless, hot and sweaty. Use the rate of perceived exertion to measure your intensity using a scale of 1-10; 1 is relaxed breathing and at 10 you’re unable to talk. You should aim for 7 to 8 and try to stay in that zone for 20-30 minutes.
DON’T: Opt for exercise classes with fast dynamic moves. Your joints are still vulnerable as the ligaments cannot provide their usual support and quick moves may increase the risk of injury.
DO: Focus on good technique and alignment – go for quality rather than quantity. Slower is harder!
DON’T: Do sit-ups and crunches. Theses exercises are inappropriate and will NOT flatten your tummy. They are more likely to cause low back ache and may make your tummy stick out more. They will also increase the pressure on your weakened pelvic floor.
DO: Exercise your tummy muscles in an upright, functional position and be sure to gently pull in your tummy prior to bending or lifting
DON’T: Lift heavy weights or do strength training as this will increase the pressure on the abdominals and pelvic floor. Holding your breath and gritting your teeth is a good indication that the exercise is too difficult.
DO: Lift light to moderate weights ensuring your tummy muscles are lightly drawn in prior to the first repetition. Chose exercises to improve your posture and strengthen muscles required for everyday baby care, like lifting and holding you little one.
DON’T: Push your stretches further to increase flexibility. The lingering effects of relaxin will allow you to stretch further and this may reduce joint stability for the future. Hold static stretches in a comfortably tense position for up to 30 secs.
DO: Stretch muscles which have shortened and tightened during pregnancy. Front of hip, chest and calf muscles in particular, need to be lengthened to help correct postural changes and reduce muscular tension
Over the last eight months I’ve had my ups and downs its been truly amazing, but its going by WAY TOO FAST.
My biggest DO:

Enjoy this new chapter in your life. Use your workouts to improve your energy levels and enhance your daily routine. Including your little one in your exercise routine is a great way to squeeze a workout in while bonding and setting a healthy active example.
Biggest Don’t:
Don’t obsess about loosing that baby weight, your new little babe doesn’t care, they love you just the way you are.