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It’s February, How are your goals coming?

So you set goals for yourself for 2019. But sigh… what the heck happened to them?   If you’re hitting a bump in the road already, or think you might soon, here are some quick tips on ensuring you remain committed to the plan you made for yourself at the beginning of the year.

Making big changes alone is tough. It’s the reason people hire coaches, team up with workout buddies. Even coaches have coaches…..What better person to make a change with than your partner., that  said here are 4 tips to help you stay on track.

Don’t do it alone

Let’s say you decided to do no booze for two months. If you live with your partner and he/she pulls out a bottle of wine every evening, it’s only going to tempt you, and even potentially make you resentful. And, of course, if you’re trying to commit yourself to fitness and your partner is a sloth, well, let’s just say it’s an uphill battle.

Even if your partner wasn’t part of your original plan, getting him/her on the same page as you working for something collectively beneficial together will really help you stick to your goal.

Make a List

Oh, the satisfaction of crossing things off your list! Writing down your goals is a tremendous help when it comes to following through. Let’s say your goal is to read one book a month this year. Crossing the name of the book you read off your list each month—in a place that’s visible to you—will be a constant reminder to reach for your book instead of your phone for a 30-minute Instagram scroll as you’re lying in bed. The same is true if you’re making a diet change: Food journals go a long way in keeping you accountable.

Talk about it out loud: AKA announce it on social media

Though you might be tempted to keep your goals to yourself, expressing them out loud (Or post them on your blog each year 😉 ) will make them more real and essentially put pressure on you to follow through.

You’d be surprised how willing people are to support you in difficult changes when you speak about them openly and honestly. Don’t be afraid to talk about the struggle!

A setback doesn’t mean you failed

Let’s say you do fall back into old eating habits. Or you miss a week of the gym. That doesn’t mean it’s done and you should give up. It just means you messed up for a brief moment in time. That’s the perfect time to regroup and get back on track. You don’t stop putting deodorant on for a month just because you forgot one morning!!!!!! 

Stay the course…and remember without Challenge there is no Change. 

Didn’t set any new years goal?? GREAT NEWS …. it’s never too late!  You can start by downloading my 2019 Goal workbook HERE.

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