How do I want to feel? If you have been following along then you know this is the final part of a Three-part SERIES. In this post I will share my 2021 Goals and #2021Feels.
In my previous post I outlined my goal setting process and offered a FREE 9 page workbook for download to help you set and achieve your #2021Goals and #2021Feels. If you haven’t downloaded it yet you can get your copy here.
My 2021 focus was on feelings of Community, Connection, Freedom. My word for the year will be Relationships. Read on for more details and let’s work together to keep each other accountable.
2020 a year to forget or a year to remember?
2020 is behind us, and as it recedes into the past, how will I look back on this blur of a year?
What I can say from experience is that from difficult times come insights, learning, hope and gratitude, and growth.
Difficult times show us the real face of life and the real face of people.
Freedom is not free, and it should never be taken for granted
Life spares no one
Time is limited resource
Deciding not to decide and inaction are decisions in themselves
Attention is our new currency
Everything you do you choose, and your choices decided your fate
Respond not react, Emotional Intelligence is the key to making better life decisions
Tell the people you love that you care about them More Often
We all need each other
A crisis reminds us what really matters – and how important relationships are, both personal and professional
I realized that this was a year that life forced a lot of very necessary lessons on me. And despite my very valid apprehension about 2021, I owe it to myself, to bring those lessons along with me.
Community- Assuming that the running community is still in isolation I will actively participate in virtual events. I will seek out an online community interested in exercising or doing yoga together.
Connection & Freedom: I am going to Implement Yoga practice to find deeper connection to my body and mind. I am not sure what it is going to look like, but I will implement something that works for both me and my family.
Community & Connection: I will deepen my personal connections through more frequent interaction and effort. I will reach out to a least 3 people a week, not counting social media or parents.
Freedom: –- I would like to read 14 books this year and more than half of them should be for enjoyment
Community– I would like to create an online Book group that reads one book a month and will help keep me accountable to my previous goal.
Connection: I want to spend more time (virtual if necessary) with my “Mom” and “Oil” groups while cultivating my personal friendships. See Goal 1 under Personal community and Connection.
Freedom – I want to explore local outdoor areas (parks, hikes, walks, markets, beaches) once we can leave our health regions again.
Community- Last year my Full-time job closed a large acquisition the message of the accusation was “Better Together.” I am taking that into 2021 and applying it to Adrian and I, we are better together, so let’s see what we can do. Spoiler alert…. there is an Etsy page in our future. ????
Connection: I have a book I have been meaning to write and keep procrastinating on. This year minimum 5 pages a month. To put into context the topic of the book will provide us with tremendous family connection.
Freedom – When I flipped through my “ideas” notebook, I noticed that 2020 was just filled with To-Do-Lists…. I want freedom from the TO-DO list for the new and existing projects I listed above.
Connection: I will be more connected to my financial situation…. meaning I must check it regularly and be more on top of my bills and investment. To do this Adrian and I will review finance together once a month. (I will need wine for that activity ????)
Freedom – I will become more informed and educate through books, and meetings with my financial advisors. Said books can count towards my above reading goal.
New to Goal Setting? Download my FREE 2021 goal workbook here to help you create new habits, reach your goals and Feel Amazing!!
I hope you follow along and we can work together to make 2021 OUR best year yet!
