The Liebster Award is a recognition given to bloggers by bloggers. So although it is a little win, it’s an important one because as it is an honor to be recognized by your peers.
I accepted the Liebster Award from Driving Fool! Shawn is the voice and face behind Driving Fool and writes about his experiences as a ride share driver for Lyft or Uber. Shawn is also working on a book in addition to development of a software company. If you are looking for unique stories full of diverse personalities and unpredictable experiences check out his blog.
My blog has been around since 2015 shortly after I fell in love with long distance running. I started blogging to add value to my Personal Training and Fitness Instructing services. It also provided me with an outlet to practicing my writing skills while breaking out of my comfort zone. Venus Fitness and Lifestyle began as a fitness blog, however after discovering I was pregnant in 2015 it has evolved to incorporate fitness, family and fun.
Answers to Shawn’s Questions for his Nominees
What human trait do you admire most? Honesty
What are the top 3 items on your life bucket list? Travel to Greece, Write a book , Hike Machu Picchu.
Name a hobby/project, other than writing, you are working on? Accountability program
Name two people you most admire or get inspiration from? Carolyn Berry who encouraged me to take up both long distance running and blogging. Christine Yee, her positivity is infectious… She is following her dreams to becoming a gluten free BossBabe.
Describe your perfect culinary indulgence (calories not taken into account): Seafood pasta paired with a bottle of red wine followed with a decadent chocolate fudge….anything.
BEST case scenario, what would you like to do with your writing? Publish a E-book
What is a personal fact about yourself that few people know? When I was in kindergarten a bottle rock (Firework) tipped over and shot into my face. It grazed the skin under my eye leaving a burn but no permanent damage. (Horseshoes people…..horseshoes 😉 )
Now for the most fun part of all
Here are five blogs we want to pass this along to and thing are worthy of checking out!
Life of a Fit Mamma – A great blog by Dr. Allie Flowers helping women achieve their fitness goals and heal their bodies before, during and after pregnancy.
Dr. Mom Says – Dr. Deborah Burton a pediatric surgeon who shares timeless parenting tips as well as useful healthcare information.
Home Based Life – If you need lifestyle, crafting, or parenting tips then this girl has got you covered.
As the Sparrow Flies – Great travel blog, with loads of information and travel tips.
Veggies by Candlelight – Ali writes about exercise .. nutrition .. and healthy living. She describes her approach to food and cooking as a healthy .. natural .. and balanced. Therefore .. you’ll find recipes centered around vegetables .. lean meat .. good fats .. natural sweeteners .. fruits .. whole grains .. legumes .. seeds .. and nuts.
Rules for accepting this award here: The Official Rules for Liebster Award 2017
Favorite Blog
I going to give my vote to Veggies by Candlelight. It has everything-visually appealing, tons of informative and delicious recipes. You can tell Ali has put a lot of work into her site, and seems to love what she does. Her down-to-earth writing style is refreshing, her photos are professional, and her content is extensive. Nice work Ali!
Questions for my Nominees

What do you feel like your biggest accomplishment has been this year?
What are your biggest goals in life?
Where is your favorite place to travel?
What advice do you have for new bloggers?
What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned in life?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What’s your guilty pleasure?
What makes you happiest in life?
Final Thoughts
Thank you again to Shawn at for giving me this opportunity. A special thanks to the people at the Liebster Award for the great idea and platform. Most importantly, thanks to my readers who take precious time out of their busy lives to read and comment on my blog.
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