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2 Stretches to Help Improve Hip Mobility

The weak link in many runners is their hips. Most likely the hip flexors are tight, and the glutes and the smaller stabilizing muscles are weak. This often leads to Patellofemoral pain syndrome, more commonly known as “runners knee,” Iliotibial band syndrome and tight lower backs. How does this happen?

It starts with lack of strength training and mobility exercises, poor running mechanics, overuse, and sitting for long periods of time.

Here are two  stretches  to help loosen the hip flexors,. Finding the time to incorporate these into your routine to help avoid injury.

Back pain, Knee pain. poor posture, difficulty getting up, and trouble squatting and lunging; all have the same physical limitation in common.  They are all symptoms of poor hip mobility.

The hips are the most powerful hinges in the body, and they are necessary for everyday movement.  Many of us sit for long periods of our days, resulting in an infrequent movement of the hip joints into their end range.  This can cause range of motion limitations.

2 Exercises to improve hip mobility

Hip-Flexor Stretch

  1. Stand inside a doorway and turn to face the door frame on your right.

  2. Step back with your left foot and place your knee and lower leg on the floor to the left of the wall behind you (place a pad under your left knee if necessary).

  3. Slide your left leg backward along the wall until you feel a stretch in the front on your left hip.

  4. Raise your chest and torso and extend your arms overhead.

  5. Grab the door jamb behind you and slide your arms as far overhead as possible.

  6. Press your lower back toward the door jamb and hold it there for the duration of the stretch.

  7. Breathe deeply, hold for one to two minutes, and repeat on the other side.

Flex-and-Rotate Hip Stretch

  1. Stand facing a thigh-high table, desk, high bench, or the armrest of a couch.

  2. Bend your right knee and raise your leg to rest your shin on the table, as if you’re doing a modified pigeon-pose stretch.

  3. Bend your torso directly forward over your leg.

  4. Press your elevated leg into the table for a five-count, then release for a 10-count, moving more deeply into the stretch. Contract and release five times.

  5. Repeat the stretch with your torso rotated gently to the left, and again rotated to the right. Keep your back neutral and avoid rounding forward.

  6. Slowly come out of the stretch.

  7. Repeat the entire sequence with your left leg on the table.

Increasing  mobility and flexibility can help improve running form, strength, core training, posture, and power.  Its important to remember that all our muscles are connected. Tight shoulders can be linked to the lower back stiffness, then to hip tightness, then IT band, knee, Achilles, ankles etc. Increase your mobility and flexibility and feel better from head to toe.

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