Parenthood has its ups and downs. Spit-up? Down. Giggles and smiles? Up! Lack of sleep? Definite downer. Birthday milestones? Up, of course!
But what to do for a theme?! I LOVE celebrating birthdays and making my kids feel super special with thoughtfully planned parties! Plus they are such fun memory makers for the family. This years the theme was an obvious choice….if you know us, I mean, outside of blogland, then you know he loves “Big Trucks” and “Tools” especially Dada’s tools, and he points them out everywhere we go.
This Big Truck Construction themed party was a little piece of birthday heaven! I made my own work-zone signage and invitations, and picked themed food choices, combined with fun activity ideas for a party that was “Loads of fun”!
I sent out the invites via email, Facebook and I printed a few the old fashion way. I was able to create and print the invitations myself so the total for these was FREE.
The table came together pretty quick. The decorations doubled as birthday gifts which is a welcome cost savings.
We used a piece of spare pegboard and bought toy tools from the dollar store to add to it.
The traffic cones and organizing bin both from the dollar store helped to add to the effect.
With strong computer skills I was to create and print a lot the decorations myself, which helped add to the overall effect and saved a ton of money.
With all of the above and the napkins, paper plates and cutlery from the dollar store the total for Décor was $30.00
I am sharing my downloadable templates , CLICK THE BELOW IMAGE to Download and throw your own Big Truck/ Construction Birthday!

I used “look-alike” foods and created my own labels, and used a paint tray from the Dollar Store to serve the Veggies and hummus.
The “fuel” is just apple juice with labels attached.
Chocolate doughnuts = spare tires
Cutlery = tools
We made individual pudding cups with cookie crumbs to look like dirt. I made my own cupcake toppers with labels and toothpicks.
I also used a 12 packs of construction cars for the desserts from Amazon for $13.99
Goodie Bags:

I had cellophane bags in my supply. I purchased these pail and shovel sets from the dollar store and included a Play-dough to go package, with some real fruit gummies.
Total for the goodie bags was $25
Cute additions:
Chocolate coins were the days wages and I made this cute sign to accompany it.
The chocolate was donated.
Hope you found some birthday inspiration here! Don’t forget to send me pictures of your Big Truck Construction Birthday!